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Teenagers in Park

Public Parks

A Master Planned Community

In addition to the Green Corridor Linear Parks, our proposed Parks plan in the Southlands includes one major new public park space, multiple neighbourhood parks, a trailhead, and a continuation of the existing West Bypass trail. The preservation and enhancement of the Fish Creek Coulee is the principal park focus. The proposed parks include:


1. Trailhead Park: The Principle focus of this park will be a natural gathering point for community residents to meet that will include parking to enjoy the trails and natural park space within the Coulee.


2. Parkwood Coulee Trail: We anticipate this trail to be a continuation of the existing West bypass trail that will link with the adjacent green-way and will provide access along the bottom of the Coulee as well as along a higher "ridge" route on the edges of the Northlands and Southlands Neighbourhoods. This trail/green-way system will create multiple public access points to this primarily naturalized park space


3. Viewcrest Park: located on the south rim of the Coulee, Viewcrest Park will function to link the neighbourhood with the Coulee and provide a large open space for community wide park programming.


4. Otto Park: located in the residential subdivision, Otto Park will form the visual, physical and social focus of the neighbourhood with a large programmed lawn, primarily for passive recreation. 


5. ScheiWuthGee Park: located along the north rim of the Coulee, ScheiWuthGee park will serve as a neighbourhood park which will link to the trails within the Coulee.


Teenagers in Park

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