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The Parkwood Neighbourhood Infrastructure System will supply water, sanitary, storm-water management and shallow utility services.

The water source for Fort St. John is primarily from wells in Taylor, and is frequently supplemented by water from Charlie Lake.


The sanitary collection system for the Northwest Area of Fort St. John drains to a lift station at the Southeast end of the city; from there, wastewater is pumped to a lagoon treatment facility.


The proposed development site naturally drains towards Fish Creek, from both the North and the South.


Infrastructure & Site Servicing

These infrastructure systems will be designed to incorporate existing geography and natural features in order to enhance the area and be environmentally responsible.


The property is located in the northwest area of Fort St. John and is naturally divided into a North and South area by a creek running East through the middle of the property. Water, sanitary, and drainage services will be divided, generally, into North and South servicing areas.


The following sections overview our approach for bring water, sanitary, stormwater management, and shallow utility services to this development in an effective, sustainable, and cost-effective way.

Infrastructure & Sit Servicing

Water Supply

The water source for Fort St. John is primarily from wells in Taylor, and is infrequently supplemented by water from Charlie Lake. Our understanding is that the City of Fort St. John plans on upgrading these sources over time.


These plans possibly include improving their supply system by using water from the Peace River following completion of the Site C Dam. The City will be completing a Water Master Plan in the near future to confirm their long-term plans for water supply. These improvements will enable water supply for Parkwood to be provided by the City.

Water Supply

Sanitary Sewer

The City has plans to upgrade both the lift station and the lagoon treatment facility. With these upgrades, there will be additional capacity for the sewage disposal requirements of Parkwood.

Sanitary Sewer

Stormwater Management

Fish Creek is a small creek that runs west through a coulee in the middle of the Parkwood OCP Amendment Area. The flow of the creek fluctuates depending on the time of year, and has a floodplain area that is contained within the coulee.


Our proposed Stormwater Management Plan involves creating storage areas, within this floodplain, to accommodate for the stormwater management requirements of the proposed development.

Stormwater Management
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