Private Green Space
A Master Planned Neighbourhood
In addition to our proposed 5.5ha of Public Park dedication, we are planning to establish two private green spaces that will include the remaining natural areas associated with the Fish Creek Coulee beyond the boundaries of the Public Parks and a new urban square that will become a vibrant social and cultural focal point of the neighbourhood Village Centre.
4. Village Square: On the south side of the Coulee is envisioned to be a major community gathering spot/urban plaza that will be designed to accommodate large community functions. We are anticipating features to include a skating rink and a large community lawn that is able to hold City-wide events.
5. Fish Creek Coulee Nature Area: Our plan is to ensure the preservation of the entire Fish Creek Coulee area for the enjoyment of our neighbourhood residents. We envision the protection of significant natural areas while also providing access to this important natural resource through the continuation of nature trails, provision of viewing platforms, boardwalks and interpretive panels.
It is our commitment that all parks, open space areas, and trails will be designed and programmed in consultation with City staff. The Preliminary Parks and Trails Plan developed for Parkwood has distributed Parks and open spaces throughout the neighbourhood so that the vast majority of the residents are within a 5 minute walk (400m) to the nearest park space. The furthest walk is approximately 10 minutes (800m).